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Houston's Summer Collection

Down in the South, summer shows up in April. Flowers are still on the trees when suddenly it's 85 degrees and all you wish for is a nice breeze and a scoop (or two) of ice cream. We go from wearing coats to hitting the beach in what feels like merely hours.This April, we welcome that glorious emergence of summer and its delights.The lights, sounds, and tastes of summer's lighthearted presence un-trouble us from life's burdens; we are caught in its net of carefree wonder, lifted by its energy and spunk, and opened to its vibrant season. Oh, how to express our love for summer, but through art!

This Summer Collection opens the window to living with vivacity, lets us see the world for its fun, its possibility, its serenity. During this warm, wonderful season, let us remember - it's not what you look at that matters - it's what you see. Have a wonderful summer! Houston Llew

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