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Collector Wall: Meaghan Goodman

We have been keeping up with Spiritile collector Meaghan Goodman from Phoenix Gallery lately about her project creating a chalkboard display in her home. She has such an inspiring story that we asked if we could share... Meaghan first discovered Spiritiles right after finding out her father was diagnosed with cancer. She saw the 107 'Saddle Up' tile, and knowing her father's deep love for horses (he used to say "Dogs are great, but horses are a man's best friend"), she bought it and gave the piece to him as a reminder that even though chemo sucked, he was strong and courageous enough to "saddle up" and get through it. Since then, Spiritiles have meant something special to Meaghan. Anytime she finds a piece that reminds her of a friend or loved one, she buys it. She plans to write each and every name below the tiles on this wall. When she is finished, we've asked that she update us and send a picture of her gorgeous (and tear-inducing) display. Thank you, Meaghan, for the wonderful reminder of why we make art everyday!


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