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Spiritiles... in movies!

A few months ago, a major Hollywood studio contacted us asking to use Spiritiles on the set of their movie "The Five-Year Engagement." Naturally, we were more than delighted to have Houston’s artwork displayed in a movie - and while it was not the first time, since Spiritiles made a showing in Scream 4 - it was nonetheless exciting.

When the trailer came out, we hunted for our art, frame by frame, backwards and forwards until we concluded they had not made the trailer. So, time passed and we went on with our busy life at the studio. Then last Friday, we all packed up early, ditched work, and headed out for happy hour to watch "The Five-Year Engagement" with big hopes Spiritiles would show up in every other scene. That’s not too much to ask, right?

We must have made an odd sight, a group of people cheering at a living room scene with nothing but a dialogue between sisters. But to us, the two tiles on the wall behind them, Spring Break on the left and Wild Child on the right, were cause for celebration.

While Spiritiles did not show up in every other scene, they did make an appearance several times during the film, and if you want to know where and when, you will just have to see it for yourself! Overall, we enjoyed the movie, laughed a lot, and loved seeing our hard work on the big screen.

Let us know what you thought of the movie, and if you are making a movie, contact us about putting Spiritiles in every other scene! For now, that’s all from our end!


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